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Backed by science and told through her own life story, Bridget gives leaders and their teams the actionable tools they need to navigate the path to a life rich in experiences, while improving mental health and wellness, relationships, employee retention, burnout, belonging and connection in and out of the workplace. This transformational keynote takes attendees through a powerful and entertaining 60 minutes focused on all the ways companies, teams and leaders can unlock powerful results and untapped human potential by learning how to identify and prioritize investing in fulfilling experiences. Told through engaging real life experiences and backed by science, her stories energize, inspire, and provide the tools and habits necessary for attendees to learn how to find peak inspiration, build deeper and more meaningful connections with their teams and co-workers, overcome burnout, optimize individual and team performance, and cultivate strong feelings of fulfillment, community, belonging and wellbeing. "Make Someday Today" has inspired thousands to not only change their mindsets to thinking of experiences as the real wealth of life, but to follow and achieve their dreams personally and professionally.